
2015.5.7 홈이전

2월18일 타이안 라군에서 미호아 까지 나와 피터는 빅~웨이브를 타고 다운윈드후...
미호아 라군에서 니오&젤리님은 바카리님과 함께 나란히 보딩하기 위해 열공중....ㅎㅎㅎ

대구의 세셩님은 실력이 나날이 일취 월장하고 있고 파파야님은 6짜리와 3.5짜리 교대로

바뀌가며 강풍에도 거뜬히 즐~보딩...하이바님은 뛰긴 뛰는데 폴짝~폴짝...ㅋㅋㅋ

히유도 3.5로 점프까지 하면서 모두 즐~보딩중인데...기영이도...나침판님도...오늘 조금 호전

되는듯 해서 라군에 따라간 카이트맨님도 다시 악화 되어 병원행...(닝겔 맞음)

2월의 이상 기온으로 밤 낮의 기온 차이가 많아 10여년 이상의 캠프장 운영 기간중 처음으로

전원이 김기 바톤을 이어 받아 비상인데 오늘은 생전에 감기 한번 걸리지 않은 나까지 살짝

감기 몸살 기운이 감도는것이 판랑 캠프장은 감기 바이러스 비상이 걸렸습니다...ㅠㅠㅠ

세상을 아름답게 살려면 꽃처럼 살면 된답니다.
세상을 편안하게 살려면  바람처럼 살면 되구요.
꽃은 자신을 자랑하지 않고 ...남을 미워하지도 않고 ...
바람은 그물에도 걸리지 않고 험한 산도  무심으로 오르니까요.

오늘도 리조트 정원을 거닐며 꽃 처럼 바람 처럼 하루를 시작해봅니다...*^^*

2016년 FX-6 사이즈로 루프 돌리고~돌리고~

강풍에도 마음 놓고 돌릴 정도로 부드럽고 퍼펙트한 핸드링...
빠르고 가벼운 조종성과 회전력으로 
카이트 루프 수차례 시도해도 실수 없는 완벽한 랜딩.....^0^

Kiteboarding  – 15,000 USD prize package  per round  +  SUP Racing – 5,000 USD prize package per round

Top 3 male/female riders in Freestyle x and TT Racing + top 3 local / newbie riders who do not make main podium                                                   (Key prize sponsor Cabrinha)

Top 3  male/female SUP racers – Read Now: new SUP Racing information update at the foot of this page                                                                      (Key prize sponsor Starboard) 

February 2016 not only sees the ‘kick-off’ event for new the KTA X-Champs power by Cloudstringers, but also the return of the KTA to Vietnam.

The KTA last visited the country in 2012, so the return is long overdue. Vietnam as many of you will already know is famous for its kiteboarding at Mui Ne, which has exploded over the years into one of Asia’s busiest kiting spots. However, the KTA X-Champs is all about breaking new ground and Vietnam has a huge range of kiting spots to discover.

So, for round one of the KTA X-Champs power by Cloudstringers, we will heading to the quite stunning Ninh Chu Bay, which is located in the Ninh Thuan province of Vietnam, 7km from the city of Phan Rang. Our local hosts for the event will be the Ninh Chu Bay Beach Club, who are fast establish a reputation for the best kite spot in the area. Great people, great location, kite friendly and cool place to eat and relax with a cool drink after a hard day of competition.

The Ninh Chu Bay Beach Club will be providing all our local support, both on and off the water, including all your kite storage for the event.

Ninh Chu Bay has 7 km of pristine beach.  The province also has the best climate in Vietnam, with the fewest rainy days. So, least rainfall and most sunny days with year-round temperate climate. Plus also of course that really good wind that Vietnam has a worldwide reputation for.

The KTA X-Champs powered by Cloudstringers will form the Asian Championships and will be a series run over 3 events. All rounds will count towards the Asian Championships as well as IKA world ranking points.

The disciplines that will feature in this seasons X-Champs will be Freestyle X and TT Racing.

Freestyle X is the new KTA format for freestyle that combines both old and new school riding, so the chance to go hooked and unhooked. Those of you that joined us for the trail of this in Taiwan last season will know what a hit it was with everyone, riders and crowds alike. You check the rules, but the basic outline of Freestyle X is that half your tricks need to be old school and half new school (airstyle and wakestyle). The judges will then be looking to score you on the best of each of these tricks to decide who wins each round. It’s simple and fun, loads for the crowds to watch and enjoy and a blast to compete in. Plus we are going to add a WOO factor.

By now you will have all heard about the amazing new device that is taking the kiting scene over in Europe by storm. And for the new season the KTA and Woo Sports are partnering up, to add a new dynamic to the competitions in Asia and the KTA X-Champs powered by Cloudstringers, is the perfect series to do that. So as well as your judged score we will be adding a Woo factor and if you want to know more about that, then you will just have those KTA Competition Director riders meetings you all love, to find out.

For the racing side of the series the KTA has listen to your feedback and has decided to focus on TT Racing for this season. We will leave the formula and foil board battles to run their course for this season and focus instead on having great racing and lots of fun, with lower travel cost for you guys. As equipment has improved TT Racing is now possible in lighter winds than before, so even on those lighter wind days we hope to see racing in action. Both course racing and slalom will be used as conditions dictate, so be prepared for a new challenge in this section of the X-Champs series also.

SUP Racing will also be making a return to the KTA, yes we tried this out on our very first season when the sport was fresh off the shelf. It was indeed fun back in the day, but we were just a bit early of the mark and it did not quite gain enough interest to become a regular feature. The sport has however grown worldwide since then and following the impact of the SUP Racing for us during the recent Myanmar event, the KTA is stoked to be able to introduce SUP Racing into the X-Champs.

The SUP Racing will be a one-design board class, with all equipment supplied.Racing will be based on short-course tracks, with a running beach start and finish line. Final course layouts and lengths will be decided by the SUP Race Officer and KTA Competition Director to meet local venue conditions.  SUP Racing will be open to anyone to enter with a max entry of 40 competitors and remember even though the prizes to won are serious winnings the main aim is to get out on the water, be part of the X-Champs and have some fun, no matter what your level of skill.

 See you in Vietnam !



DATE:24.02.2016 - 28.02.2016

LENGTH:5 days

LOCATION:Ninh Chu Bay, Ninh Thuan

MAP:View Map


FREESTYLE X:$60 (early entry $50)

TT RACING:$60 (early entry $50)

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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