
2015.5.7 홈이전

Understanding the Wind Window

The Wind Window is the area in which you will fly the kite. It will be impossible to fly the kite outside this area. In this section, have a basic understanding of the Wind Window and its components.

The white side is the left half of the Wind Window while the green side is the right half.

First of all, the edge of the Wind Window is represented here in violet. When the kite flies through this area, it will not generate a lot of pull. It is also referred to as the neutral zone.

In the yellow and red areas, the kite will generate traction or pull. This is called the Power Zone. In the orange area, the kite will be at moderate power. It will be at full power in the red area. The kite will be tilted backwards and the wind will blow directly into the sail.

The position just above the rider’s head in the sky is called the neutral position. It is also referred to as Top or Zenith. In this position, the kite will have the least amount of pull and is most steady.

The different positions of the kite in the Wind Window are usually determined in terms of numbers or degrees. If the kite is at twelve o’ clock, the kite is just above the rider’s head. At 11 o’ clock, the kite is just left of the top, and when the kite is at two o’clock, it is to the right of the top.

When we say that the kite is at 45 degrees, it is at half the height of the Wind Window. This is true for both sides of the Wind Window.

Kite Surfing Hand Signals

Effective communication among kite surfers plays a major part in making Kite Surfing safer and more organized. As we all know, the sport is done on a huge location where kite surfers are usually out of earshot from other people. That is why hand signals are created. These are internationally-accepted signs designed so kite surfers can understand each other even without talking.

Hand signals are also very important to ensure safety. Miscommunication can lead to injuries, even severe ones. For instance, if the assistant throws the kite in the air before the kite surfer shows the thumbs up signal, accidents may occur as the kite flies beyond control.

These are the hand signals used by kite surfers worldwide:

I need help.
(wave both arms in the air)

I will land.
(tap your head with your hand)

I will launch.
(make a thumbs up sign and shout "launch")

I need help with the equipment.
(wave your Control Bar in the air)

Place the Kite at the top.
(raise your arms and put the tips of your fingers together to form an “A” shape)

Watch / Look at me.
(point two fingers at your eyes)

Head out to the sea.
(stretch your arms and point to the sea)

Make this hand signal to ask the rider to head out to the sea or to the direction you are pointing to.  

Go to the shore.
(stretch your arms and point to the beach)

Make this hand signal to ask the rider to go to the beach or to the direction you are pointing to.  

As a kite surfer, you should know the universal hand signals before you kitesurf. This is especially useful if you are on the water and you want to give instructions to your assistant or someone at the beach. Moreover, you should know the signs used to seek assistance in case problems arise while you are surfing. Be responsible enough to know what message each sign represents. If a common form of communication is established among kite surfers, then understanding each other would not be difficult, no matter what language you speak of.

Kite Surfing Rules & Etiquette

Be considerate of other kite surfers and other water users. Like you, they are looking for a stress-free water adventure. If you go Kite Surfing in a location where there are already surfers around, follow the guidelines below to show courtesy to them.

On the beach

Before going into riding techniques, it’s important to know what to do when you come across other people on the water. A few priority rules will help you stay out of accidents.

The rider on the beach has the right of way over the rider on the water. Because the wind on the beach is often more turbulent, he is more at risk and has to be able to go in the water as quickly as possible.

When two riders meet


The rules that comply when two riders meet are applied in the same way as other sports and nautical activities.

The rider who is going starboard has the right of way. Going starboard means having the Kite Surfing Kite on the right hand side. The rider going port side, kite on left hand side, must give way and pass downwind keeping his Kite Surfing Kite as low as possible. It’s very important to keep your kite low, so there is no danger of getting the kites tangled up. In this way, the rider that has to give way will not have to give up too much ground, and can pass fairly close to the other rider.



What will you do if you go faster than the rider in front of you?

The rider going faster must give way to the slowest rider. Since the rider that arrives from behind has the global view, he can decide best on what to do. In practice, it is easier to turn around instead of performing some tricky maneuver in overtaking. However, if you do overtake, make sure you keep your Kite Surfing Kite low and that the other rider has taken notice of you.

Passing upwind


When passing upwind, you need to mind the position of your Kite Surfing Kite. The rider passing upwind must pilot his kite overhead and the rider passing downwind must pilot his kite as low as possible.

Do not forget the guidelines above every time you go Kite Surfing. Be conscientious of other kite surfers and other water users. They too would be considerate about you.
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