
2015.5.7 홈이전

Sky Solbach breaks the Back Mobe down into a three part trick tip: an unhooked Back Roll,
Back Roll to Toeside, and finally the full on Back Mobe.
This video will have you nailing your Back Mobes in no time. This video tip is from the North team video.

Here is a Kite Camp instructional about the Back Mobe from SBC Kiteboard (Issue #23).

Back Mobe
words by Clinton Bolton
photos by Gavin Butler

The Back Mobe is the first step in taking your handlepasses to the next level.
There is a big difference between the first handlepass, which everyone starts off learning,
the high handlepass, when sending the kite past 12 o’clock (Issue 19),
and the more advanced Back Mobe. The Back Mobe is a handlepass with an added 360.
You also need to keep the kite low (at 45 to 55°), using just the board to give you the pop and height to initiate the trick.

Getting started
In doing this trick, the kite will be low and powered, so it’s best to stretch first to help prevent injury.
Make sure you have a strong leash and safety system.
If you have a fifth-line attachment, attach your leash to the fifth line.
Be sure that you have plenty of space to practise with no one riding close by.
You’ll be surprised how far a low-angled and powered kite can take you.
Don’t try this trick too close to shore.

What you need to know before doing the Back Mobe:
Speed—come in with moderate speed as you would to boost for a jump.
Edge hard—this will help you get the height you need when you pop.
Bar position—close to your hips makes the pass easier.
Rotation—rotating quickly helps to make passing the bar easier.

Make sure you’re not too powered. It’s best to learn unhooked tricks slightly underpowered.
You must be confident enough to do a handlepass before attempting the Back Mobe.

Back Mobe - Step 1 Back Mobe - Step 2
1. Come in at moderate speed.
Because it’s your first time trying this trick, make sure your leash is on your back-hand side so you won’t get wrapped up in your leash.
Position the kite a little higher than 45°, at about 55°, giving you plenty of height and time.
This will make your first attempt easier.
BAckmobe - Step 3             

Backmobe - Step 4
2. Now that you’ve placed your kite at 55°,
place your front hand in the centre.
I place my hand between the depower line with
my index finger and middle finger between the line and my back hand right next to my index finger of my front hand.
3. Unhook and edge hard. The kite should remain in the same position when you unhook and throughout the trick.
Step 5             

Step 6
4. Release your edge and try to look over your front shoulder.
This will help you go into the back rotation.
Step 7             

Step 8
5. Pull the bar toward you, making sure to bring it close to your hips.
Bring your knees toward you while still halfway into the rotation.
This will help bring the board up while pivoting your weight around, allowing you to rotate the extra bit to finish the trick and grab the bar.
Step 9             

Step 10
6. Release your front hand and bring it behind your back to grab the bar from your back hand while trying to keep the bar as close as possible to your body.
The faster you get your rotation, the easier it will be to grab the bar.

7. Now that you’ve grabbed the bar, pull with your front hand while still looking over your front shoulder and pushing your back leg in the direction you’re rotating to bring the board in the heelside position.
Combining all these things helps pivot your weight around, allowing you to keep rotating in order to finish the trick.

8. Try grabbing the bar with your back hand so that you can keep the kite under control.
Spot your landing and bend your knees to absorb impact.

9. Now that you’ve landed, softly edge to give you traction and allow you to keep your speed and ride off.
Import!ant: don’t edge too hard when landing; this will cause you to slide out and butt-check.

Clinton Bolton, originally from Durban, South Africa, rides for Best, Reef, Smith and Da Kine.

제목 날짜
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Aaron Hadlow Highlight Reel 2010.12.24
Raley to Blind 2010.12.18
Hooked-in Back Roll 2010.12.16
Technique - Surfboard Tack 2010.12.16
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Surf & Kite Festival Day 3 2010.05.23
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